The Loves of my Life!

The Loves of my Life!
Brett, Caleb, & Isabella

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Change is coming...

Last month I wrote a bit about what makes life stressful. I mentioned that we feel a change is coming. Well, the change is on top of us now. We have spent a lot of timing tossing this decision back and forth. We came to the conclusion that God is leading us back to central Illinois for a time! What a huge change indeed!

So we have one more week in Kansas City and then we are off to IL. Brett is ecstatic about the move! He daily asks if he can go to Illinois or if he can go to Nana's house or if he can go see Karen today. We started the countdown 2 weeks ago. First it was three weeks, then two, and today we are down to one week. Today I told Brett and Caleb that we have one week left and that Grandpa and Uncle Steven are going to come help us put all the boxes and their beds and their toys in a trailer. Then Grandpa will drive the trailer and they will ride in the van all the way to IL. They were super excited! Brett is especially excited that Uncle Steven is coming. He is also excited that we will be living close to Brock and Chase and Aunt Karen!

We officially made the decision to move 3 weeks ago. At that time we were planning to move in with my dad in order to save money on rent and start paying off our debts. My dad is trying to sell his house and it seemed that it would be better for us if we could find our own place to rent. We were a bit stressed out about finding a house for a day or so. : ) God came through pretty quickly. As did Corina Yoder. She told us about a house that was empty and for rent. She didn't know how big and how much they wanted. Turns out that it is the perfect fit for us. It's 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and has a separate office and play/sewing room. It is only 3 miles from Greg and Karen's house and super cheap for us! We are so excited!

We are still looking for a job for Steven in the Sullivan/Mattoon area. If anyone knows of any jobs available, please let us know. He is looking for almost anything full-time or part-time. He is also planning to build up his carpet cleaning business in that area. If you need your carpets cleaned, Steven would love to do it for you. He is a great carpet cleaner! He will be available as early as the 18th of this month.

We are breaking a lease here at our current residence. The landlords are amazing and super understanding. We put a For Rent sign out a couple of weeks ago and have had several bites. A man named John from CA will be moving in with his 3 kids as soon as the 16th. He loves the place and is super excited about it.

God has blessed us in many ways during the last few weeks and continues to make it clear that we are taking the right steps. He has closed many doors for us here in Kansas City, but as we have been knocking on doors in IL He has opened them up. The last door unopened is a job. We are not too concerned because He has made everything else so clear. We are waiting expectantly to see what He has planned.

Speaking of expectant... we are overcoming the shock of finding out that we are expecting our 4th child!  The timing is not ideal, but we are excited that God has chosen to bless us with another little one. A friend recently mentioned a Bible Study that she is doing called the interrupted life. She had to think of me. She said it's not an interruption, but that it is a Divine Intervention. I'm clinging to hope that God knows what He is doing! : ) His timing is good even if it seems off to me. His leadership over my life is perfect! I love what He is doing, but I have to be honest. Sometimes it's difficult and super stressful.

We could definitely use some prayers regarding the kids and our time management. The boys seems to be going through the "terrible twos" at the same time even though they are two years apart in age. We are mostly at a loss as to what to do with Caleb specifically. He tends to cry and cry and cry for no apparent reason. Please pray that God will speak to us about what is going on and how to handle the situation(s) when they come up.

First trimester nausea and moodiness, packing for a move, mothering 3 kids, and maintaining an intimate relationship with God and my spouse have me stretched to my max! : ) I am soooo looking forward to being in IL closer to my family and helping hands. My kiddos are desperate for their nana. The boys had a break from home this morning. They had a great time and loved hanging out with some fresh faces. Friday we are taking (at least the morning) off to go to the zoo. It's free this month for KC, MO residents! Sounds like a much needed break!

Well, I think that's it for now. More to come in a few weeks!


  1. Can't wait to see you all! Tell Brett I need a snuggle to get warm!! Iam excited about this baby!! You make pretty babies! haha

  2. I am so excited for you! Things are working out, which means that you are being lead the way you need to go.Bless your family and it's newest member. I for one understand how difficult four children can be, especially when they are young. Just remember they do grow up and it does get easier.Praying that a job comes along soon for Steven.

  3. Wow! Blessing number four! I am so happy you are moving to be close to family. It is hard sometimes with only Sara nearby but I have one child and cannot imagine the incredible strength and perserverance it takes for three. Can't wait to see you at Christmas!!! Love you all....Louise
